Absence Reporting
Absence / Attendance
The laws of the State of New Jersey require each child to attend school every day school is in session except in cases of illness, death in the family, or certain religious holidays. Regular attendance is essential for good academic progress and fostering a sense of responsibility.
When a student is absent, his/her parent or guardian must call the school (for Indian Mills School, call 268-0220, press #1 for the attendance mailbox, and for Indian Mills Memorial School, call 268-0440, press #1 for the attendance mailbox) before 8:35am of the absence date to give notice of the absence by leaving a message in the voice mailbox (available 24 hours a day). If a student is absent from school and the family does not notify the school before 8:35am, the Main Office will call the home and parent's work, if necessary, to verify the student's absence. In the event of a foreseen extended absence, the office must be notified of the anticipated dates of the student's absence. If the homeroom teacher reports a student absent and there has been no notice from the parent/guardian, a school secretary will call the home to verify the absence. Parental cooperation with this procedure is essential.
Even when the school has been notified about a student absence by phone, the student, upon return to school, must bring a note to the homeroom teacher which includes the dates of the absence, reasons for the absence, and a signature of a parent/guardian.
Any student who is absent six times or tardy three times in one marking period will receive a letter from the principal reminding them of their responsibility to ensure that their child reports to school with regularity and promptness. Parents may be notified even if the school has written notice of a vacation or family event. Additional excessive absences or tardiness will require a parental conference with the principal.The laws of the State of New Jersey require each child to attend school every day school is in session except in cases of illness, death in the family, or certain religious holidays. Regular attendance is essential for good academic progress and fostering a sense of responsibility.
Absence Contact Information:
Elementary School
Absentee Number:
609-268-0220, press#1 for the attendance mailbox
Middle School
Absentee Number:
609-268-0440, press #1 for the attendance mailbox