Emergency Information
Closing #696 on KYW (TV) 1060 (Radio)
Fox 29 NBC 10 Channel 19
Delayed Opening Procedures
We will facilitate a two hour delayed opening of our schools should the weather forecast indicate improving conditions. As you know, winter weather can bring severe icing to our roads, but a two hour period of time could mean better road conditions and safe travel for our buses. On extreme days, we will be forced to close, as usual, however, if you receive notice from a TV channel report (Channel 6, Fox29, KYW3, Lenape TV 19) or radio station KYW (our district number is 696) that we have announced a two hour delayed opening, this means:
All students in Grades K-8 should be at their bus stop two (2) hours later than usual. For example, if a child is normally picked up at 8:00 am, on this delayed opening day they will be picked up at 10:00 am.
Dismissal at all schools will be the same as usual.
The "School's Out" morning program will be cancelled.
Lunch will be served as usual.
Staff members are to report to work 30 minutes prior to when the students report for delayed opening.
Building principals will direct staff as needed for the supervision of children.
It is our hope that we can preserve as much instructional time as possible. Your assistance in this matter will guarantee safe conditions for our children.
Thank you for your help. Should you have any questions, please call your building principal:
Nicole Moore, Principal IMS, (609) 268-0220
Timothy Carroll, Principal IMMS, (609) 268-0440